High Holidays 2024

Yamim Noraim 5785

For more information contact info@bethisraelbath.org

Rosh Hashanah

wednesday, october 2

5:30 pm - Erev Rosh Hashanah Service

Daggett Lounge, Thorne Hall, Bowdoin College

thursday, october 3

10:00 am - First Day of Rosh Hashanah

12:30 pm - Community Luncheon

2:00 pm - Tashlich at Bath Waterfront 

4:00 pm - Family Service

friday, october 4

10:00 am - Second Day of Rosh Hashanah Observance

Yom Kippur

friday, october 11

7:00 pm - Kol Nidre Service

saturday, october 12

10:00 am - Yom Kippur Morning Service
followed by Yizkor Service

3:00 pm - Family Service

4:15 pm - Mincha and Neilah Services

6:00 pm - Shofar Blowing and Havdalah

Followed by Potluck Break-Fast


sunday, october 20

12:00 am - 1:30 pm - Community Sukkot Celebration

Simchat Torah

thursday, 0ctober 24

5:00 pm - Community Simchat Torah Celebration

Tickets are not required for entry to our High Holiday services. However, we do ask that you RSVP here to let us know which services you expect to attend.