For all we do, Beth Israel relies on the support of our members and those in our community. We owe our very existence to those first families who came together and pooled their resources to ensure essential Jewish services would be available to them. That was true a century ago and it remains true today. The vote of confidence our members make in Beth Israel through their support and involvement takes many forms. We encourage you to avail yourself of whichever method of support is most comfortable for you.


One of the most important ways to support Beth Israel, and the many individuals in our community, is to become a member of our congregation. Members receive a number of benefits in exchange for their support. They also receive the peace of mind in knowing they’ve helped to ensure vital Jewish services are available to anyone in our community who needs them. For almost a century, Beth Israel has existed because individuals like you have bought in, literally, to our mission of serving the Jewish community. We encourage you to become part of that history and to help build Beth Israel's future. To join Beth Israel or for more information about belonging to The Temple, complete our online membership form or contact us


Charitable giving is an important part of Jewish life, an obligation we all share. Every gift to Beth Israel affirms this value for you while enhancing the quality of our programs for all. Truly make a difference in our community by making a donation. Our online donation form makes giving easy, but you can, of course, still send us a check. Click on the donate tab for the mailing address. If you’d like to make a larger contribution or would like to create a new fund, please contact us. 


We operate a complex organization with mostly volunteer effort. Community members participate in all aspects of Beth Israel life. Volunteers are needed to serve on committees, deliver soup to sick neighbors, plan and staff lifecycle celebrations and other community events, and assist in our Jewish education and social action efforts.

It’s impossible to put a dollar amount on the value of these contributions. The gift of time, it has been said, is the greatest gift of all. We encourage you to join the ranks of those volunteers who give so much of their time to their Beth Israel family.

To find out more about volunteering at Beth Israel, please contact us!


Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. It’s the same products, exact same low prices and same Amazon Prime benefits.  Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry and other account settings are also the same.  Support “Beth Israel Bath, Maine” by starting your shopping at