Minnie Brown Center
Annie Schneiderman Valliere has been a psychotherapist and middle school social worker for over thirty years. Besides being a grand-niece of prominent labor organizer Rose Schneiderman (1882-1972), her research and writing of Rose’s story has brought the attention of biographers, librarians and historians who wish to see a book about Rose for young people. In 2006, Annie was awarded the Eichelberger-Linzer Grant to do research in the FDR Library at Hyde Park. The award included funds as well as a request to provide the FDR Library with the copy of the book once it is published.
Annie has been invited to speak at the Jewish Women’s Archives and presented a talk on Rose to the Roosevelt House in New York in 2015. She has presented Schneiderman’s life to high school and college history classes, the Southport Historical Society, Thornton Oaks Independent Living, Temple Beth El in Augusta, the Conference on Frances Perkins and the Progressive and New Deal Eras in Portland, Maine in 2009, and a talk at the Maine Department of Labor during the same year. In July, Annie spoke at a tea in the Washington, D.C. area and in November she will be speaking at the Maine State Museum in honor of the suffrage centennial.
Annie includes in her presentation, audio of Rose speaking, music, a slide show and discussion. Annie has published three articles in the Oxford History of Business and Labor, 2013: Rose Schneiderman, The Triangle Fire and The Uprising of the Twenty Thousand. In 2016 she published an article for the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial Association entitled, Rose Schneiderman. Annie is hoping to find an agent and publisher within the year. She lives in Woolwich, Maine with her husband and two cats. Annie has three grown children and ten grandchildren.