Take a MELTON class at Beth Israel this Fall!
Course Title: Members of the Tribe
6 Sessions beginning October 17
6:15 - 7:45 In-person at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick or via Zoom
Register: meltonschool.org/maine
Or Contact Meltondirector@bethisraelbath.org
Financial Aid available
In this class, led by Rabbi Lisa Vinikoor, we’ll dive deep into a fundamental question: "What is the overarching purpose of living Jewishly?" We'll discuss the responsibilities, pressures, and misconceptions that come with being called "the Chosen People." A deeper understanding of "the Tribe" informs and enriches both our collective actions as well as individual responses to life's big questions.
The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning engages adult learners in a life-enhancing study of Jewish texts and ideas that nurtures and deepens Jewish community worldwide. Through classes (both in-person and online) and travel seminars, Melton learners find Jewish texts and ideas accessible and relevant to their lives. They become part of a worldwide movement of committed learners who are empowered to enrich Jewish life.